
10 Ways Introverts Can Get Noticed At Work 讓內向的人也能在工作上引人注目的10種方法 譯自 http://www.askmen.com/money/professional_150/199_10-ways-introverts-can-get-noticed-at-work.html " The people who have the most impact aren't the ones who are promoting themselves." 「真的最有功勞的不是那些推薦自已的人。」 Introverts are often mistaken as being timid or afraid because they prefer to be alone or in small groups, says Lisa Petrilli, author of The Introvert's Guide To Success in Business and Leadership. They generally do well at tasks that involve brainstorming and get their energy from their "inner world" of thoughts, ideas, reflections and even memories. Even though the most outgoing people often get more recognition in the workplace, people who are introverted can level these unique strengths to get ahead in their careers. 《 內向者商業及領導成功指南 》 作者 麗莎.派托麗 說:內向的人總是因誤解而被低估或被懷疑,可能因為他們喜歡獨自在小團體內工作有關。一般來說,他們往往在腦力激盪或是需要深入內在思考、反省或是記憶的工作上都有良好的表現。雖然說最外向的人常常在工作場所裡被受人注目,但比較內向的人仍然可以在他們特別的...